First Ever: HALLOWEEN Costume Event

Join us next Monday, October 31, for a special TQBC Luncheon. Come in costume for a chance to win a prize.


  • Put together a creative, spooky, funny or imaginative costume and wear it on your body.
  • All costumes are welcomed; it doesn’t make any difference if they are homemade, magically found, simply appear with a flick of a wand or even purchased or rented.
  • Please keep your costume “G” rated this is a family event.
  • You must have a pulse.  If you appear to be dead, that’s OK.

That’s it, enough rules, right? Judging Starts at 11:30 a.m.

Judging Criteria:

  • Creativity – Is the costume creative, colorful, and does it show personality?
  • Originality – Does the costume stand out from the rest?
  • Remember, this is all about having fun.


All decisions of the costume contest judges are final.


  • Three free Quarterback Club lunches and a bottle of wine.
  • Two free Quarterback Club lunches and a six pack of beer.
  • One free Quarterback Club lunch and a large bottle of Coke.